Decatur Elementary


Social Worker

Decatur Social Worker

General Role of School Social Worker

  • Brief individual counseling for students around emotions, friendships, problem-solving, family, grief/loss, divorce, etc.
  • Small groups to increase friendships, social skills, grief and loss support, divorce support.
  • Whole class lessons focused on social-emotional learning, bullying prevention, conflict management.
  • Supporting children and families in crisis.
  • Connecting families to community and mental health resources.
  • Coordinating the school’s weekend food packs.
  • Collaborating with families, teachers, and other educators in various capacities

Contact the School Social Worker

Referrals and questions can be sent to the social worker by families, teachers, and administrators. Students can also self-refer. You can contact Decatur’s school social worker, Ms. Agor at or call/text 206-379-2968.

Summer Supports

If your family is in crisis and needing additional supports