English Language Arts
Seattle Public Schools English Language Arts (ELA) Curriculum is CCC. The Center for Collaborative Classroom(CCC) instructional materials build on the foundation of Balanced Literacy and Workshop Model that our teachers have been using. CCC combines mini-lessons where the teacher engages students directly in learning with independent or collaborative work. The CCC curriculum has a focus on working together and explicitly teaches students how to engage each other in learning.
At Decatur, students will be working one grade level above their same age peers. All grades will be using the Being a Writer and the Making Meaning (reading) curriculum. Being a Writer includes workshop model instruction, genre studies using mentor texts and integrated language skills. Making Meaning includes reading comprehension and vocabulary, authentic read-alouds, and individualized daily reading. Our 2nd graders will also be receiving direct phonics and phonemic awareness curriculum called Being a Reader, which includes foundational reading skills, differentiated reading groups, word study, fluency and handwriting.
You can check out more information on the Collaborative Classrooms website.